Sunset Memorial & Stone virtual show room tour
Sunset Memorial & Stone Videos
This video is about Master Craftsman Dmitry Skiba creating a custom monument for Sunset Memorial & Stone’s “Sunset Exclusive” Service.
The City of Calgary commissioned in 2018, Hilton Landmarks to set the stage for an exciting columbarium garden design for St. Mary’s Cemetery. Once the design was finalized, the city selected industry leading Sunset Memorial & Stone to manufacture the columbaria.
This video highlights how exciting columbarium design relies on a collaboration with cemetery management, a talented cemetery landscape architectural firm and the selection of an experienced columbarium manufacturer that has the design capabilities and engineering skillset to make a vision, reality.
This is a story about a small southern Alberta town that invested in columbarium design and cemetery landscape architecture.
The Town of Okotoks in 2016 commissioned award winning Lees + Associates to expand the cemetery’s existing columbarium garden. Sunset Memorial & Stone was the columbarium manufacturer selected to build the columbaria for this beautiful 448 niche project.
In the interior of British Columbia lies the town of Salmon Arm. The town commissioned a master cemetery plan from Lees + Associates for the new Shuswap Memorial Cemetery.
The cemetery is nestled up against a stunning mountain backdrop with tall trees and foliage all around. Leading the eye to the centre of the cemetery is a long stone masonry wall with columbarium units evenly set within the wall.
The beautiful columbarium units were manufactured in Calgary by Sunset Memorial & Stone.
Learn about the design flexibility of Sunset Memorial & Stone’s curved columbaria called “The Chinook”. Look at the various columbarium design features that can be added to our existing curved columbarium models.
Sunset Memorial & Stone can customize a curved columbarium wall to meet your cemetery or church’s setting. We can adjust the curvature of our Chinook curved columbarium to the perfect size and radius.
Sunset Memorial & Stone is proud to present variations of our standard and custom round columbarium designs. Check out the beautiful grand dome design of the “The Estate Majestic”.
See why cemetery management choose the Estate I and Estate II models for their prominence and style in a cemetery setting.
Sunset is able to transform a standard model into a more customized columbarium that will enhance the overall effect and connect with the cemetery or church setting.
The City of Calgary has just recently announce the opening of the new Prairie Sky Cemetery.
The project was designed by Lees & Associates and the columbaria were built by Sunset Memorial & Stone.
The columbaria are custom designed Legacy models that incorporate granite masonry into the sidewalls. The upper 80 niche Custom Legacy columbaria niches are trimmed with honed black granite. The interior facing end walls hold 10 niches.
We are excited to share Sunset Memorial & Stone’s latest version of the Royal Legacy Columbarium.
This new church columbarium installation is set high upon a hilltop overlooking the Rocky Mountain Range.
The Royal Legacy is a 72 niche columbarium. Each niche holds 2 urns. The columbarium has a stunning gabled roof with black granite inserts set inside each pediment. The granite columns employ both honed and polished granite textures which add interest to this captivating columbarium design.
Sunset Memorial & Stone is proud to present our 2 of our latest mausoleum glass front and marble niches. The first part of the video focuses on our glass front niches. See close up images of Mountain View Cemetery’s latest interior glass niche addition. It highlights the 3/4″ beveled edges on all the glass front niche shutters. See close up shots of Sunset’s Alberta Rose patterned Bronze rosettes.
Focus on our gorgeous corner glass niches and how we can seamlessly transition to a beautifully crafted corner glass niche compartment from one 90 degree angle to another.
See up close how our interior glass niche lighting locations are set within the glass niches. Keep in mind that we can employ flexible diffused lighting locations within the niche to customize the look.
Take a look at our how our corner glass niches don’t have a corner post. This adds a sleek appearance to any interior space as it allows for seamless sitelines from all angles. See up close how Sunset can break up the monotony of a long glass niche wall with a stunning column of larger curved glass niches.
The second part of the video focuses on a Marble Front interior mausoleum niche option. The focus begins within a octagonal shaped room within the Our Lady of the Rockies Church in Canmore, Alberta. This section of the video highlights the custom crafted wood trim that finishes off the space.
The video showcases the design flexibility required in such tightly confined spaces.